今年夏天的Dine LA 繼續發掘好餐廳
Dine L.A. this summer still impressed us with nice food.
還記得半年前Dine L.A.的活動嗎?
對Restaurant Week很陌生的人可以參考之前的文章
[Food]2013 Dine LA- RH Restaurant一起大快朵頤吧! Eat Your Heart Out (Part 1)
[Food]2013 Dine LA- Fogo de Chão 一起大快朵頤吧! Eat Your Heart Out (Part 2)
暑假的Dine LA會有更多學生 觀光客共襄盛舉
這次的Restaurant Week一樣為期兩個禮拜
網路上訂位一開放 立馬做功課比較菜單價位 選擇最超值的
Can't believe it's Dine LA again, time really flies.
I guess there will be more ppl coming to the restaurant week during hot summer season.
I looked into menus, prices at different restaurants right after the online system is open for reservations.
For those who are not familiar with the event.
Feel free to previous posts from last time.
[Food]2013 Dine LA- RH Restaurant一起大快朵頤吧! Eat Your Heart Out (Part 1)
[Food]2013 Dine LA- Fogo de Chão 一起大快朵頤吧! Eat Your Heart Out (Part 2)
就是大主廚Gordon Ramsay 開的餐廳之一 "The Rooftop"
地點就在好萊塢西邊 The London West Hollywood hotel 頂樓
Our very first try out this time was "The Rooftop" by Gordon Ramsay.
Located in west Hollywood, on the rooftop of hotel The London West Hollywood.
這間飯店其實不算大 也沒有超級氣派的lobby
可能也因為地點吋土吋金 但整體氛圍簡約舒適
Lobby is not super fancy but decent.
門口還有一隻超級逼真的裝飾假狗 (一開始以為是真的還跑上前....)
The dog looked so real, I even got close trying to cuddle when I saw it... LOL.
上衣: H&M
裙子: Brandy Melville
涼鞋: Steve Madden
Today's outfit:
Top: H&M
Skirt: Brandy Melville
Sandals: Steve Madden
飯店小歸小 但這裡優雅的氣氛也很適合舉辦簡單又溫馨的婚禮
古董禮車+可愛的擁吻 太迷人了
A decent place to hold a nice minimal wedding.
Vintage wedding sedan+ adorable kissing is like a romantic movie scene.
進到飯店 接待櫃檯會給你一個直達頂樓的電梯卡
The receptionist gave us an elevator access card to the rooftop.
Here is the pool exclusively for hotel guests.
The other side of the rooftop is the dining area.
Sunny day!!!
會選擇來Rooftop是因為除了Menu有三道菜 價格也相對實惠 ($25)
Three-course menu at $25.
我點的前菜是龍蝦三明治 (附有餐廳自製的薯片)
My first course: Lobster Roll w house made chips.
The juicy lobster meat was really tasty.
My frd's appetizer, Charcuterie. Like smoked meat in slices.
另一個室友點了Shrimp Ceviche, Tostada
Ceviche是一道海鮮料理 主要有生魚肉 蝦子 拌上蘿蔓葉 酪梨 還有甜椒 檸檬汁做調味
My roomie Xenia ordered Shrimp Ceviche, Tostada.
A seafood dish with raw fish and mix with pepper, avacado, lime juice and baby gem lettuce.
(The mini Tabasco was super cute)
A refreshing appetizer.
我點了Bistro Steak 一旁還有烤的鬆軟的甜椒 還有一些蔬菜做搭配
Our second dish was satisfying too.
My Bistro Steak with grilled pepper and veggies.
牛排medium well看起來很熟 吃起來一樣很嫩不柴
My medium well steak was still juicy and tender.
朋友點的Kobe Beef Hot Dog 牛肉熱狗堡也是料好實在
My frd's Kobe Beef Hot Dog was big and amazing.
Roomie ordered Branzino which was fresh and tender too.
Frozen yogurt+ fresh berries
Lemon Tart.
我點的English Sticky Toffee Pudding 英式焦糖布丁
My English Sticky Toffee Pudding
Cookie roll stuffed w whipped cream.
My refreshing grapefruit Vodka.
Perfect lunch time on week days.
Love the city view in day time.
不想坐桌子 旁邊還有沙發區 (但是大白天沒陽傘實在有點熱)
Pretty hot sitting on the lounge sofa. Great view though.
Weddings held at the same venue before. How gorgeous!
喜歡走城市風格的新人 這裡真是個好選擇
Great venue for newly-weds who love modern and city style.
Would feel so blessed if I walked down this aisle.
Like the quaint and casual ceremony.
Charming Rooftop at night.
很lounge bar的感覺
like a lounge bar.
Perfect venue for parties/ events too.
簡單分享 希望大家喜歡
謝謝可愛的室友們陪我來Dine LA
My lovely roomies.
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Follow them on Facebook.
Thanks for reading. Stay tuned.