Larchmont Bungalow目前榮登我在LA最喜歡的早午餐店
My fav brunch at Larchmont Bungalow.
Larchmont Bungalow是一家靠近比佛山莊的可愛早午餐廳
餐廳所在的街道上 有很多可愛的餐廳或小店
假日這裡也會有專賣新鮮有機蔬果 鮮花 或農產品的小市集
很多人趁著假日的早晨 帶狗狗或小孩出來溜搭
Larchmont Bungalow is located on Larchmont Blvd with many cute and little shops and boutiques.
The restaurant also matches the tone of the street, very cute and quaint.
On the street, you can find fresh flowers or local organic groceries at a farmer's market on weekends.
People also walk their dogs for shopping or just roaming around and enjoy the morning time.
第一次來的時候 因為市週末生意很好 排隊等了20分鐘
排隊太無聊就一邊研究菜單 輪到我們的時候就可以馬上點了
We paid our first visit on a Saturday morning.
The restaurant was so packed n the wait was about 20 mins.
Grabbed a menu with us while still waiting in line. : )
Love the spacious indoor space and fresh dessert they make daily.
Try the macaroon coz they are really good!
這間的馬卡龍外酥內軟 不會太甜膩
咬下去吃的到新鮮食材的香氣 沒有很重的人工調味
The crispy crust and soft stuffing was way too savory.
Not too sweet and not too plain.
It's not artificially flavored. You can smell and taste the freshness in any flavor you pick.
Outdoor seats should be good in a sunny day too!
這邊光是咖啡就有很多選擇 我點的拿鐵也很不賴
My Latte tasted great, too. There are many coffee options for caffeine addicts. :)
The decor and tone inside the restaurant is my cup of tea.
因為裡面太多人 所以我們選戶外的位置 享受自然光 耶
We had our brunch in the outdoor area where the sunlight was just right.
我點的是龍蝦班尼迪克蛋 是這邊的招牌之一
鬆軟的新鮮烤麵包上 疊上菠菜葉 碎龍蝦肉還有淋上hollandaise醬汁的水波蛋
Hollandaise是由蛋黃和奶油製成的淋醬 通常還會加檸檬汁 鹽和胡椒做調味
My Lobster Crab Cake Eggs Benedict, one of the signature dishes here, really surprised me.
The poached eggs and spinach are perfectly blended with their hollandaise sauce.
Freshly baked bread were topped with lobster meat, spinach and two poached eggs with runny yolks. Yum!!!
The side can be replaced by potato or fresh fruits.
室友跟我點了一樣的龍蝦班尼迪 配菜換成馬鈴薯
My roomie ordered the same dish but she had potato for side dish.
然後一定要介紹的還有這個紅藍色的鬆餅 "Red & Blue Velvet Pancakes"
餐廳裡幾乎每桌客人都會點一盤 一開始看圖片還覺得色素好可怕 但忍不住好奇還是點了
鬆餅吃起來外酥內軟 很有彈性 又不會太乾
配上上面新鮮的奶油一起吃 Mmmmmm~
The Red & Blue Velvet Pancakes can been seen on every table in the restaurant.
I didn't like them and was intimidated by the colors of these pancakes til I gave it a try.
And they were honestly A MUST for everyone who came!!
The soft and bouncy texture with home made whipped cream on top was sooo flavorful.
They tasted so fresh and not too dry. Really blew our minds away.
因為太喜歡這裡 過了兩個禮拜又來一次
I love Larchmont Bungalow so much so I revisited two weeks after. LOL
這次除了點了一樣的鬆餅 還點了蛋捲
This time we had Red & Blue Velvet Pancake again and an omelet.
結果這間的蛋捲也很好吃 料好實在
We were glad that we order the omelet which was savory too.
永遠吃不膩的鬆餅 哈
I will never get tired of these pancakes. LOL
旁邊的配菜也可以換成不同的土司 水果也可以替換成馬鈴薯
The side of the omelet can be replaced by any type of toast you like.
簡單介紹 希望大家喜歡
有機會來LA觀光 一定要吃吃看喔!!
Come and try it next time!! YOU WILL LOVE IT LOL
Stay tuned.
Larchmont Bungalow (Click)
Address: 107 N Larchmont Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90004
Phone: 323-461-1528