Do you dare to JUMP?!
以前台灣好像比較不流行跳傘這種東西 (可能因為這個活動有點恐怖....)
看別人在國外跳傘的照片 都哇~哇~哇~~~的 想說有機會一定要體驗一下
來加州後發現這個極限運動(算"極限運動"嗎?) 其實蠻普遍的 很多地方都有專業的跳傘活動
趁著這次暑假 找了一天來位於LA東南方 開車約一個半小時的Lake Elsinore 一圓我們的跳傘夢
Skydive has been on my check list.
We are so thrilled to make it happen this summer at Lake Elsinore.
It's about one hour and a half drive from downtown LA.
第一次來Lake Elsinore
跳傘的地點是在一個比較偏遠 有大片平地的野外
First time at Lake Elsinore. Here is like a wilderness with a few cottages.
高空跳傘就是用小飛機 把你載到一定高度的空中
然後初學者身後會有一個教練的陪伴 一起跳出飛機享受自由落體的速度感
上機前會有簡單的訓練 包含跳傘注意事項 怎麼跟教練配合等等
關於費用 有興趣的人可以參考他的網頁 Skydive Elsinore (點我)
簡單來說個人跳傘分為兩種 純粹跳傘而已($189未稅) 或是加上一位隨身幫你補捉精彩畫面的攝影師 (拍照+錄影 $279未稅)
跳傘沒有年齡上限 (我也蠻驚訝!!) 他們說只要身體健康人人都可以跳
果然這天就看到好幾個 看起來至少有6 70歲的阿罵也來跳 而且看起來一點也不害怕耶好強!
A small plane will take you up to a certain height.
Newbies will have a instructor jumping with you from the cabin.
$189 for tandem jump only, and $279 includes a camera man videotaping and taking photos for you.
Check out their website if interested. Skydive Elsinore
There is no age limitation for skydive, whoever is healthy is qualified to jump and enjoy the free fall. WOW!!!
當天早上一到就到櫃檯check-in 填基本資料 還有簽有點令人緊張切結書 哈哈哈
切結書的部分 最後一段話(若有意外自行負責...) 他們還會請你念出來一邊錄影存證
填完後量完身高體重 就到隔壁小房間看簡短的教學影片
We booked our skydive online.
Checked in as we arrived and filled out some forms.
The front desk will also videotape you reading the last few sentences about a waiver of liability.
A short training video was played after that.
After the training video, we entered another cottage to put on all the gears needed for the jump.
練習怎麼用正確的姿勢預備 還有跳出機艙
訣竅就是蹬出機艙的剎那身體要向後彎成弓形 (越彎越好)
然後頭要向後靠著教練的肩膀 可能是因為這個姿勢可以順著氣流向外飛吧
Then we came to a real-sized plane exit door, practicing how to jump out of the cabin with the right body position.
You need to arch as you dive out and place your head backward against the shoulder of the coach behind you.
I guess this is because that way our body will go with the air flow better.
我的攝影大哥Andy是個人來瘋 他的頭髮很長又有點QQ所以當天紮了個俏麗的包頭
謝謝他幫我拍了很多好笑又醜的照片 (你看他還自拍真三八)
Thanks to my camera man Andy who's a funny dude for taking many awesome and funny pics of me.
陪我一起跳傘的室友們 (看到後面怪裡怪氣的Andy了嗎? 哈哈哈哈哈)
Companies n roomies. (see Andy behind us?)
I got even more nervous before we boarded. LOL
有沒有像勇士出征!!! (兩位小姐現在還笑得很開心哩~)
We are like warriors YEAH. LOL
上機後為了要轉移緊張的感覺 趕快欣賞美麗的風景
I tried to focus on seeing the beautiful views and not thinking about the scary height. LOL
The view from here was really spectacular.
我梳著整齊油頭的教練Cliff人真的超有耐心超細心 (小腿上還有性感的大刺青)
他不停的提醒我小細節 還有跟我練習跳出去的tempo
My instructor, Cliff.
He is so detail-oriented and patient. I feel 100% safe and confident while flying with him.
等飛機飛到一定的高度後 教練會請你把護目鏡帶好 檢查背帶有沒有繫緊
接著雙腳坐上教練的大腿 (沒錯是大腿!! 哈) 一組一組大家分別往出口方向移動
然後大家就像下水餃一樣 咚咚咚的輪流跳出去囉 Woohoo~
輪到我之前 我的攝影師Andy就先攀在機艙外等候 開始錄我緊張到僵硬慘綠的臉 哈哈哈
I put on my goggle as the plane reached a certain height.
The instructor double checked if the belts and stuff are tightened enough and ready.
Then I sat on the laps of my coach lol and we moved toward the exit one by one.
My camera man Andy was ready and stayed outside as I approached the exit.
到出口後要成單腳跪姿勢 (跟求婚一樣)
然後教練一邊倒數 3 2 1 一邊前後擺動(向盪鞦韆一樣)
讓兩人的Tempo一致 才可以同時跳出機艙
(有沒有看到Andy向外奮力一躍時有多冷靜 就像喝水一樣輕鬆的感覺.....太恐怖了)
現在回來看這張照片我還會起雞皮疙瘩耶 阿哈哈好誇張
Then we counted down 3, 2, 1 as we swung to and fro and then dived out of the plane together at the same timing.
Do you see how calm my camera man was as he let go of the grip and dived with us!!!!?? That's insane!!!!
See the little me down there?
LOL I became so tiny.
開傘了!! 呼~~
Parachute was opened! Phew~
其實真正自由落體freefall 只有50幾秒到約一分鐘
And this was how it looked like down here. LOL
The free fall was merely 50-ish seconds.
Trying hard to search and look at the camera to say HI LOL
其實我以前都不敢坐遊樂園裡面的自由落體 (像大怒神)
我的狀況就是剛跳出去的幾秒 心臟真的有點浮 有點不舒服的感覺 但真的就只有很短的幾妙
之後就無限順暢 還有驚艷景色有多美了!!!
I am always not a fan of free fall rides at any amusement parks.
Coz I don't like the awful heart pain when I fall from a high place.
But honestly skydive for me was not that bad....I only felt a bit heart pain as I stepped out of the plane for few seconds.
And after that, everything was awesome and enjoyable.
中間我還一度興奮到忘了呼吸 哈哈哈哈
然後張開嘴的話 口水應該是會亂飛沒錯 但我那天上機前其實是狂流鼻水 所以.....
During the free fall, I was too excited to breathe for a few seconds. LOL
People said your saliva will be everywhere if you open your mouth...
Well, but I had a pretty bad running nose that day, so..... LOL
我覺得他的camera man蠻會拍照 捕捉了很多整個全景的照片 還有人與外在環境的呼應照
My Roomie Xenia was right after me. I love the pics her camera man took.
這張拍的蠻美 不過也真的蠻恐怖的....
Love this pic, it looks pretty scary though.
之後有機會一定要拉我媽上去跳 (她應該會嚇死 哈哈哈)
或是下一次來美國玩 也可以安排一下這樣刺激的跳傘行程
Skydive was really a great experience.
Follow them on Facebook if you r also a daredevil like us Yeeeeee.
You will also get a special discount for your second jump!
最後最後 來看一下我勇敢的一分鐘跳傘短片吧 (點連結才能看喔!)
簡單分享 謝謝大家!
Check out my 1-min skydive video. Click here to watch!!!
Have fun and stay tuned!!!
- Jul 22 Mon 2013 12:44
[Travel]高空跳傘 第一次跳機就上手 Skydive at Lake Elsinore