Vegas也有高品質 價格又親民的度假飯店!
Luxurious but affordable Palms Place, Las Vegas.
這次有機會參加真正的Vegas婚禮 我實在太興奮!
九月中的婚禮 算是暑假旺季的尾巴 仔細做了功課找到了這間令我很滿意的飯店 "Palms Place Hotel & Spa"
地點也很優 離Vegas中心Las Vegas大道(頂級飯店+逛街商場集散地) 只有不到2 miles的距離
Really glad that we made it to attend a real Vegas wedding in mid Sept.
Palms Place Hotel & Spa which was just less than 2-mile away from Las Vegas Blvd turned out to be a satisfying option.
Palms系列總共有三棟 內裝都是近期才整個翻新過 走精品旅館路線
從我們住的這棟看過去 就是另外兩棟 (各自有不同的房型)
The Palms has three different properties offering various kinds of guest rooms. Just remodeled recently.
From the one we stay, we could see the other two buildings.
在逛網頁的時候還在猶豫要住哪一種 遲遲無法決定這兩款房型
因為第三次來Vegas想要住住看可以看都市夜景的房間 但又想要合理房價
Had a hard time deciding either room to stay.
The Premier Room in Ivory Tower.
The Studio Suite in Palms Place.
但第二個Studio Suite 照片看起來真的很不賴 簡單乾淨 整體平價也更高 所以就訂了
The Studio Suite looked clean, decent and elegant in white tone. So we ended up choosing this.
喜歡飯店網頁的設計 很有精品飯店的現代時尚感 介面瀏覽和和操作都方便
游標移到飯店上的任ㄧ個加號 就可知道房型 ㄧ目了然
I really like their website design, pretty upscale and user-friendly.
If you visit the site, you can easily know room types they offer by moving the mouse to the plus icons.
我們住的這棟是Palms Palce 另外兩棟分別是Fantasy 和 Ivory Tower
The one we stayed in was Palms Place. The other two were Fantasy and Ivory Tower.
ㄧ樓有寬敞的車道 緊連著隔壁就是很大停車塔
A spacious drive way in front of the lobby, multi-leveled parking lot was right next door.
這間飯店的Lobby相對其他高級飯店 相對的小 但舒適度不差
The lobby area was relatively small compared to other high-end hotels. But good enough for us.
令我比較不舒服的就是它的高速電梯 短短幾妙就達到我住的37樓 (暈)
其實只要一趟到底都沒事 最怕就是高速升降的中間 還有其他房客上下電梯 就有點暈
房門ㄧ開進來就有驚艷的感覺 一切都很新很乾淨寬敞
The high-speed elevator was the scariest part for me.
I felt dizzy when other hotel guests hopped in and out in mid levels before I reached the 37th.
I was surprised to see how clean, new and spacious the room was.
實景就跟網頁上拍得一模一樣 (心)
It looked exactly like the pic on the website.
明明是兩人房 儲物的空間大到像四人家庭房
Plenty of space/ storage for stuff keeping. LOL
才剛到Vegas 大家一起來我房間梳裝準備趕著去教堂婚禮 嗚呼!
Everyone squeezed into my room to get ready for the wedding right after. woohoo~
然後我們很納悶為何床跟沙發就在隔壁 還要放緊連的兩個大電視? (這樣看起來不會很互相干擾嗎 哈)
Girls were wondering won't it be disturbing when two tvs were watched at the same time?
喜歡廚房延伸出來的小吧台 晚上開燈超有情調
Drinking at the small bar table at night was nice.
The mirror made the space look more spacious.
Cozy n big sofa for hanging out w frds.
為了安全考量 陽台的門都是鎖著的 但是景觀一樣很棒 陽台看起來也是一塵不染
Balcony door was locked for safety concern. The view was so great.
飯店也有送餐廳 酒吧或是spa的折價卷
Coupon given by the hotel for bar, restaurant n spa.
剛翻新的飯店當然廁所也是白刷刷 完全不輸精品大飯店
The restroom was great too.
Massage big bath tub, epic!
話說浴室有電視真的連卸妝都不無聊耶 底下居然還有活動式+照燈的放大倍率化妝鏡 (姆哥)
Tv enterntained me while removing makeup, love the manifying mirror with lighting design for doing make up.
At night.
不是才來半天!? 怎麼東西這麼亂 (羞)
Haha I've messed up the room already.
Love the sofa area in the evening lighting.
枕頭好多好美式風格 喜歡! 每次住飯店看到好床具都希望家裡也有一套 哈
So many pillows and the bedding felt good too! LOL
廚房裡的小冰箱也是應有盡有 連酒精飲料都有迷你瓶 So Vegas.
Alcohol in little bottles in the mini fridge was soooo Vegas!
Hello~~tiny Vodkas!
Snack? Of course.
We kept our drinks down here.
去夜店前小酌一下 ;)
Pre-drink before party.
Good morning the next day.
這樣的雙人房我在OTEL上訂是一晚$80(含稅) 折合台幣是2,400NTD 很不賴八!
I booked the room on OTEL for $80/night (tax included).
Pool area.
除了房間 飯店附設的Spa叫做"Drift" (聽起來就很放鬆)
"Drift" was the spa in Palms Place.
除了一般房型 想辦大型派對的 頂樓也有超棒的夜景大房 或是附有娛樂設施的"Kingpin Suite".
For big party, other than the penthouse suite, Kingpin Suite is the room type with bowling alley!
有撞球桌的Crib Suite
Crib Suite with a pool table.
還有夢幻的芭比套房 哈哈哈 (怎麼跟Hello Kitty房有異曲同工)
They also have Barbie-themed suite. LOL
你也喜歡Palms Place嗎? 可以去逛逛它的FB和官網喔
Follow them on FB.
Palms Place Hotel & Spa Facebook
Palms Place Hotel & Spa Main Page
之後繼續發婚禮花絮文 敬請期待!
Thanks for reading.
Wedding post is coming up.
Stay tuned.