
今年夏天清涼的Palm Springs
小旅行  第一次住這麼繽紛有趣的度假飯店!!
A chillseeker this summer? Stay at "the Saguaro" in Palm Springs when the weather heats up.

盼了好久終於有機會來Palm Springs   荒漠中的綠洲度假勝地
這裡最著名的   除了有南加世界有名的的Cochella音樂盛會 
也有許多設施完備的度假飯店   很多人來這裡玩一個週末  
一整天待在飯店裡游池旁   游泳看書發呆都好   度過難得的悠閒時光
不要看天空這麼清徹這麼藍  夏天的白天   可是有超過攝氏40的高溫  又乾又熱考焦程度   跟Vegas有得比了 

Finally made it to Palm Springs, the dessert resort city within the valley of Cochella fest.
A range of resorts with full amenities offer chillseekers a great weekend escape.
Just laid-back aside the pool reading books or get tanned is exactly the Palm Springs style.   

說到Palm Springs
喜歡紐約年輕品牌Kate Spade的人應該知道  今年剛好就以Palm Springs為主題  出了一系列的包款衣服配飾
走可愛度假風  棕履樹真的怎麼都看不膩耶!!

有興趣的人   可以點進官網欣賞一下Kate Spade的夏日風情 哈哈

Palm Springs離LA downtown開車大約兩個小時
跳傘一直在我的checklist上 終於在這天達成夢想  太開心了
之後會po介紹文  喜歡極限運動的女孩請繼續follow

It's a 2-hr drive from LA downtown.
We went skydive in the morning and then headed over to Palm Springs.
My very first skydive experience (checked) will be the next post, stay tuned!

這次住的度假飯店很繽紛  趕快來看看

這間叫"The Saguaro"   取名Saguaro是因為resort就位於Sonoran沙漠
所以以沙漠裡最具代表性的巨型的仙人掌 "Saguaro" 來命名

The resort we stay this time is really my cup of tea coz it's way too colorful.
The Saguaro is named after the iconic cactus in the Sonoran Desert covering Arizona, Cal and partial Mexico area.
The Saguaro belongs to
Joie de Vivre who owns many boutique hotels and resorts all over the States.

Saguaro是 Joie de Vivre 飯店集團底下的度假飯店  Joie de Vivre 的意思是"joy of life"
Arizona州的Scottsdale也有一間The Saguaro

Joie de Vivre means "joy of life."
Another The Saguaro is in Scottsdale, Arizona.

為了與環境更融合  聰明又有創意的設計團隊 
就以沙漠仙人掌花朵的12種不同顏色  分別使用在客房的陽台 房間 還有公共設施上 營造繽紛的歡樂氣氛 

To make the resort more blended into the outdoor environment,
the creative and brilliant designers, famous for their bold use of color, instill local colors into the property.
They used a palette of 12 shades of the native desert wildflowers to adorn balconies, guestrooms and amenities.

Main entrance.

連飯店接駁車都繽紛 哈哈
colorful resort shuttle. LOL

Check-in 櫃台
Reception desk.

一踏進這裡就有好熱帶的感覺   到處都是色彩讓人眼睛一亮
Check-in櫃檯牌就是飯店的小酒吧 El Jefe

Surprising vibrant colors are every where as we stepped in.
A sober beer bar El Jefe is right next to the reception desk.

Resort的特色  就是每個房間有自己的顏色   從外觀看起來每間陽台都是不同顏色的小格子
我好想要黃色或是粉色  最後住到USC的代表紅色 哈哈哈
後來才發現其實可以在訂房時    試著指定妳想住的顏色


Every guestroom has its own color, the colorful grids viewed from outside are so cute and cheerful.
Our room is passion red, like USC representative cardinal.

Here is the room interior.

房間裡很現代  很新  很簡單乾淨
很多擺設或傢俱都是從墨西哥手工訂做運來的  風格很特別

Many of the room deco are handcrafted customized and shipped from Mexico. Entirely exotic.
Overall the room is quite spacious, modern, bright, and clean. 

房間的空間很大  床也夠大我喜歡
Love the big bed size and room space.

廁所也超繽紛 (尖叫)
See how pop the restroom is!!!!

陽台空間一點都不髒  重點是這裡正對泳池的view超棒
Balcony is super clean and facing the pool. Great view from here.

進來的當天剛好有Pool party, 只看見泳池擠滿了人
There was a pool party in the afternoon when we checked in. So packed.

泳池沒有位子  加上一早出發去跳傘實在太累   所以第一天就先不游泳囉
We didn't join the pool party coz it's too packed and I was too exhausted after the morning skydive.

所以晚餐決定試試看  網路上都推薦的飯店餐廳 Tinto
Tinto in the resort is highly recommended online, so we came down for dinner.

Tinto是美國有名廚藝大賽節目The Next Iron Chef 大廚Jose Garces開的
來這裡可以品嘗道地的 西班牙 南法Tapas料理

Tinto serves extraordinary and inspiring tapas created by The Iron Chef, Jose Garces.
Love his thick dark eyebrows.

Photos extracted from Tinto website.

晚上這裡有室內室外的坐位  氣氛都很好
Great dining atmosphere for both indoor and outdoor tables.

Tapas就是西班牙式混合南法料理  主要是開胃菜還有讓你小盤淺嘗的配酒菜 
冷盤像是Cheese 橄欖 或是熱盤炸小章魚等等  適合一群朋友喝酒聊天
我們點的每一道都蠻好吃  但是分量真的不多  男生吃完應該會覺得胃很空虛 哈哈哈
今天是我第一次吃真正的tapas   燉飯和waiter推薦的

This is my first time trying tapas cuisine.
The Fried Padron Peppers and Bomba Rice are amazing.
Good food but the small portion didn't really satisfy our appetite. LOL

找一個喜歡的位子就可以開始補色囉  (我其實怕黑有偷擦防曬油) 哈

Cute pink towel is offered at the entrance of the pool area.

Saguaro的優點還有泳池夠大  很多人一起在這裡也不會覺得很擠待不住
Love the large pool here.

Feel free to order burgers from the bar next to pool.

現在終於知道為什麼外國人這麼喜歡pool party了
天氣雖然熱  但是在洋傘底下喝杯飲料  跳進泳池消暑就可以耗大半天了

Love the laid-back and slow poolside chilling time.

泳池裡的這隻天鵝真是太好玩  小孩大人都跳上跳下的  哈哈哈
The floating swan is snatched and ridden by kids and adults.

Wonderful beautiful morning.

泳池旁還有JACUZZI!!!! 昨天晚上有下來泡  白天泡應該會熱暈
Jacuzzi !!!

這裡也很適合帶小孩來  很多年輕爸媽拎著幾個月大的嬰兒來玩水

Many young couples bring their little babies to the pool too LOL.

然後我們的球一直飛撞岸上曬太陽的美女們真的很不好意思  阿哈哈哈哈

曬完太陽  因為外面熱得誇張
我們取消了逛街的行程  只到附近的景點拍拍照
來Palm Springs其實有一些戶外活動可以做  健行  坐纜車 騎腳踏車等等
有名的精品outlet Desert Hills也在開車不太遠的附近  回家的路上也有去走走

It's way too hot outside so we cancel our window shopping plan.
Outdoor activities in Palm Springs include biking, hiking and taking gondola to the mountain top.  
We also check out the Desert Hills Premium Outlet on our way home.


The award-winning coffee house Koffi is recommended by miss Tiffany.
Try their iced latte next time.

喝完咖灰開車一分鐘就到下一個景點Forever Marilyn
來Palm Springs一定要來朝聖一下   這個巨型瑪莉蓮夢露女神  雕像2011年在芝加哥  去年才被移到這裡
創作靈感就來自  好萊塢攝影大師Bruno Bernard  幫瑪麗蓮夢露拍的飛揚裙擺照

Palm Canyon Drive上聽說有很多可愛古董小店可以逛  (這趟實在太熱了我沒去)
Another must-see attraction here is Forever Marilyn, which used to be placed in Chicago and was moved to Palm Springs last year.
Inspired by the glamorous photo taken by Hollywood photographer Bruno Bernard,
the statue looks extremely realistic due to the detailed skin tone paint.

The Walk of Stars located on Palm Canyon Drive is similar to Walk of Fame in Hollywood.
You will find Marilyn and lots of vintage shops here.

永遠的經典  永遠的女神
Classic for good.

多了這尊姓感雕像讓Palm Springs變得更有魅力了  哈哈
The statue makes Palm Springs more charming than ever.

有興趣可以follow他們Facebook. <3

Follow them on Facebook. <3

緊接著下篇就是跳傘初體驗   敬請期待喔!

Marilyn's sexy legs.
Coming up is my skydive post, stay tuned!
Thanks muah muah


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