Bacchanal 和 Wicked Spoon buffet真的好好滋喔!!
Bacchanal and Wicked Spoon are now my fav Vegas buffet restaurants.
Wicked Spoon和Bacchanal buffet 都是這趟Vegas婚禮之旅的新發現
以前只吃過Bellagio和Wynn Hotel的buffet 這次的新選擇也讓我驚喜連連
So glad that I had a chance to try new buffet restaurants in this Vegas trip.
Both Wicked Spoon and Bacchanal surprised me with amazing fresh dishes.
USA Today也報導這兩間 是Vegas的前五名buffet餐廳
The two restaurants were ranked as the top five Vegas buffet by USA Today! Woohoo~
話不多說 趕快來看看這次吃些甚麼
第一間Wicked Spoon是婚禮一結束 新郎新娘招待賓客來這裡吃大餐 位於新飯店Cosmopolitan裡
We dined at Wicked Spoon the day after wedding.
It was a feast treated by our newly-wed sweet couple, Mr. and Mrs. Lai.
餐廳雖然不大 但是裡面是很溫暖的金黃木頭色調
I loved the ambience of warm golden and wooden color. Contemporary decor.
這裡的菜色不算太多 亞洲菜色區有中式 韓式和日式 墨西哥 美式和義式
喜歡吃cheese的人 他們還有很棒很豐富的cheese bar
They served Chinese, Korean and Japanese in Asian food section. Italian, American and Mexican styles not to mention.
And wonderful cheese bar for cheese fans.
令我驚艷的是菜色雖然比起其他大飯店不算太多 但是都超新鮮 每道都用心
例如壽司的米飯濕軟度剛剛好 吃的到米飯香 上面的料也都很新鮮
Food was so fresh even thought they didn't serve that many dishes than other big hotels.
Grill station for meat lovers.
So surprised that they also served bone marrow.
Korean BBQ.
High quality seafood.
還有Vegas buffet餐廳幾乎都可見的 小玻璃杯雞尾酒蝦蝦
Cocktail shrimp in tiny glasses could be seen in many vegas buffet restaurants.
Refreshing and light alcohol taste.
新鮮剖開的蟹腳 但這次的蟹腳很薄 肉蠻少薄薄一層而已
Pre-cracked crab legs!!! But the meat was not much in each leg this time.
我覺得Wicked Spoon最可愛的地方 就是他們有很多這種迷你的料理
用小煎鍋裝各種手工義大利麵 或是小小炸物籃裝的炸雞 都很好吃!
光是義大利麵類就有兩三種 吃的到用心和食材的新鮮 份量少少也不會太占胃
I love these tiny dishes served in mini skillet or fry basket, such as various homemade pasta which came in many selections.
Dining area in golden and warm color.
Time for SWEETS!!! Amazing plethora of dessert choices.
甜點也都份量小小 讓你一次品嘗多款!
All deserts were also served in small portion/slices that allowed you to taste many before getting too stuffed.
黑巧克力搭紅莓醬 芒果慕斯也很棒!
Dark choco cake with cranberry sauce, and mango mousse.
Decadent cakes. LOL
LOVE the choco-covered huge strawberries!!!
還有義式Gelato冰淇淋 有專人每種口味挖兩到三口的量給你 味道都好棒好真實
Italian Gelato was impressive, too!
種類雖然不算超級多 但吃個兩盤也夠撐了
My lovely sweets. Two plates like this were enough for me.
隔天我們去吃了傳說中最厲害的Bacchanal 就在凱薩飯店(Caesar Palace Hotel)裡
We visited the Top 1 on the list the next day, Bacchanal in Caesar Palace Hotel.
前一晚玩太晚的結果就是早上爬不起來 餐廳前早就大排長龍了
旁邊用玻璃杯裝飾的燈好美喔 有水晶燈的效果
Played too hard the night before so failed to wake up earlier.
There was already a long line before we got ready the next morning. LOL
I loved the crystal-like lighting comprised by wine glasses.
It's an hour wait til we got to the counter to pay.
兩個人午餐付了$75 然後一人還會得到一個隔熱的手指墊 避免拿熱食時被燙傷
Two for $75 for luncheon. You got a finger protector for hot dishes as well.
我好喜歡Bacchanal裡面 這種玻璃透明又帶點藍綠色調的裝飾 好優雅好現代
Bacchanal生意好到每天都出500道菜 總共有9個不同的開方式互動廚房 為食客料理美食喔
Obsessed with the chic greenish glassy decor everywhere in Bacchanal.
It's impressive that they served 500 dishes on a daily basis.
And professional chefs were scattered in 9 different interactive kitchens to cook for guests.
他們大方請第"一百萬位"前來用餐的顧客 免費入住兩晚Caesar Palace飯店使用高級spa 在住房期間也可以無限次來免費用餐 超棒的!!
The cake decor aside the entrance was their celebration in Aug to welcome the "one-million guest" since its opening last Sept.
This lucky customer got a two-night free deluxe stay at Caesar Palace including free upscale spa service in the hotel.
Also free dining at Bacchanal during her stay. So jealous!!
Love the casual and elegant ambiance.
We were seated here.
The decadent dessert station was right next to me. LOL
這裡的甜點真的超棒超多 每道都超新鮮吃的到食材的原味 樣式也好特別
I was raving about the enormous selections here and they all tasted so good and fresh!
Cute glass decor.
Literally overwhlmed. LOL
Made-to-order waffle station.
Tiny stick sweets n Macaroons.
My fav Creme Brulee.
Creme Brulee prep.
甜點棒到明明肚子吃不下 還是會下意識繼續放進嘴裡...
Nonstop consuming dessert even when I was entirely stuffed.
Huge wooden table in the back of restaurant.
這邊取餐的動線是一直往後延伸 第一區就是超棒的中式料理
The all-the-way-back food serving route began with fantastic Chinese cuisine.
It's interesting to see how they presented cuisine in different cultures by decorating with the spices or seasoning they use in big jars.
我覺得餐廳好有創意 因為在不同國籍的食物區 他們把那個飲食文化會使用的調味料 或是食材裝進玻璃瓶來做裝飾
像是中式區就可以看到紅棗阿 白米 枸杞 紅辣椒和各種我們很熟悉的香料來體現中國文化
Yummy Japanese sushi.
Italian creative cuisine.
Italian vinegar decor.
Real honey from bee hive. Cool!
廚師會給你大大一盤新鮮燙好的原味蟹腳 然後附給你一個液態黃金牛油 (吃蟹腳的沾醬)
但我覺的牛油看起來太肥胖了 我乖乖的吃原味蟹肉就好
The chef served each customer with a big bunch of freshly boiled king crab legs with liquid butter sauce.
Mexican dipping sauce station.
帝王蟹腳真的是肉質肥美又多汁 超級新鮮一點都不腥 我吃了兩大盤! (結果牛油拿了都沒沾...)
The king crab legs were succulent and fresh!! I had two big plates of them. Yum~
Seafood station.
這裡也有蟹腳 但不像後面有現煮的 這裡是冷的
The crab legs served in the seafood station was cold, not like the hot ones in the back.
網路上大家都極力推薦這裡的肉食區 聽說新鮮又美味
但我今天肚子真的快爆了 加上大排長龍實在沒耐心 所以就沒吃到囉!
Many ppl recommended the prime carving station. But I almost puked after eating too much so gave up on this. LOL
然後Buffet餐廳通常都有免費的多種汽水果汁可以點 我喜歡喝檸檬汁(lemonade) 去油解膩可以吃更多 哈哈哈
l love having lemonade whenever eating at a buffet restaurant.
現烤大蛤蠣 西班牙海鮮飯和千層麵
Big baked clams, Spanish paella and lasagna. <3
素食者馬先生也吃得笑嘻嘻 然後他今天吃很多中式素食 一直稱讚中式的美味
Vegetarian like him also enjoyed the veggie dishes here. LOL
大家可以去看看他們的官網喔 Bacchanal Buffet
今天慶祝滿一周年的生日 Bacchanal還請厲害的舞者在餐廳裡拍了一個動感的影片 推銷這裡的buffet菜色
有興趣的人可以看看如何將熱舞與美食的結合 哈哈哈 (連結在下方)
Go check Bacchanal's website if you happen to plan a visit to Vegas next time. Bacchanal Buffet
They also made a dancing video promoting the cuisine in the restaurant. It's interesting. Check it out the link down below. (點我觀看)
↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ (Watch it here.)
吃完Vegas美食 下篇發婚禮穿搭文 敬請期待!
Thanks for reading.
The next post will be wedding outfit.
Stay tuned.
最後打個廣告 有興趣了解美國流行資訊 還有商品代買的帥哥美女
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