
2012夏天 紐約行第三天 來個可愛的看圖說故事八!!!
2012 Summer NY Trip Day3.
真是太慚愧 沒有去年事去年畢
所以簡單的紐約行第三天 走放鬆+愛吃路線
照片會說故事 文字不多
I felt bad to leave the 2012 NY trip diary unfinished last year.
Let pics tell our stories on the 3rd. day in New York City.
影集慾望城市 凱莉最愛杯子蛋糕坊 Magnolia Bakery
這間不需要多做介紹 大家都熟到不行了
內外都可愛的小店 稍微探索回味一下八
We started our morning at Magnolia Bakery.
The little shop bakes Carrie's fav cupcakes in Sex and the City. LOL

小小又繽紛的店內 Colorful interior deco.

但是對我來說 這種美式甜點真的太甜了 吃一個就剛好!
Honestly, the cupcakes are too sweet for me.
Just one cupcake would be good.

婚禮如果有這種杯子蛋糕 應該也很浪漫吼~ (筆記)
These lovely ones are perfect wedding gifts.

平均一個杯子蛋糕3-4塊美金 Around $3-4 per cupcake.

今天陽光這麼好 買完蛋糕提去對面的公園吃
Bring our cupcakes to the park across the street n enjoy the sunshine.

雖然很甜 但我喜歡上面灑的脆脆彩糖
Love the sprinkled sugar on top.

I guess Mr. Woody loves his cupcake too!

(胡迪OS: Oops~ 糖霜沾到性感上唇了....LOL)

買完Cupcake 我們要去凱莉的家當死觀光客! 耶
The next stop: Carrie's Apartment.

It's just a walking distance.
可愛的外國人 Hey!

好羨慕現在裡面住的人喔 (不過平常應該也是蠻困擾的...)
It seems cool to live here, the tenants now may be bothered sometimes though.

為了不要被打擾 還有小小提醒你不要跨越的警示
No Trespassing.

這張怎麼感覺很像自己家 哈
Welcome to our place. LOL

中午吃完飯 接著去觀光客一定要朝聖的中央公園
(今天的行程很慾望城市 哈哈)
Off for the Central Park after the apartment tour.

天氣好好 去哪都愜意
有興致的人還可以坐馬車遊中央公園喔 (小貴但是很浪漫)
Chariot in Central Park is a good way to dive in the green forest with your loved ones.

在紐約這樣的大城 還有這一大片的綠地 紐約客真是太幸福了
It's a bless that New Yorkers have such a big green garden in the city.

抬頭看天空還有飛機飛過的字樣 可愛弊了!
Feel the breeze n the beautiful sky.

雖然公園很大 不過好天氣也到處都是人
People everywhere in the nice weather.

結果我們在這片綠地玩好久 拍起各種怪照 哈哈哈
The grass was our playground for a while LOL.

I guess our giggles annoyed people having sun bath here lol.

主題是 "草地上的不經意"
Try to get pretty shoots jumping over the green grass.

成功!!! (Say Hi!)

也許也可以來個飄浮系列 哈哈哈
Maybe floating shoots?!

不小心跳得太用力 哈哈 I tried too hard.

以後有機會再來的話 我要在這裡野餐 (真的提籃子的那種)
Wanna have a real picnic here next time.


結束中央公園 跑來華爾街金融區
早期曾經是最高的 川普大樓(The Trump building)
We came to Wall Street after the stroll in the park.
The Trump Building used to be the tallest long time before.

聯邦國家記念堂 (Federal Hall National Memorial )

紐約證券交易所 (New York Stock Exchange)
一到這裡 腦袋就好有電影裡交易所的畫面
NY Stock Exchange.

華爾街銅牛 每次來這裡拍照都要快狠準搶位
Wall Street Charging Bull. The hassle spot at all times.

結果意外發現正在蓋的新大樓 (前雙子星的原址)
現在改名叫 "Freedom Tower"
建築外側的反光玻璃輝映一旁風景 超級前衛
The original spot of WTC is now under construction.
We spotted the near completed Freedom Tower.
Love the reflected city view on the outer face.

我喜歡反射藍天時的樣子 好美
等蓋好以後 紐約又多了新地標了
It will become a new landmark once finished.
And the new project is rehabilitation and heals the scar for those hurt in 911.

晚上來到位於紐約小義大利(Little Italy) 北邊的諾利塔區 (Nolita)
我們來尋覓一間網路上推薦的古巴餐廳 Cafe Habana
We went to Nolita, northern part of Little Italy, at night.
Here you can find many exotic bistros or Italian restaurants.

路邊很多小酒館 越夜越熱鬧
If you look around this neighborhood,
streets art and graffiti in Nolita make this area intricately awesome.

因為我很愛吃玉米 聽說這裡有特別口味的古巴烤玉米
The blue-toned Cuban restaurant, Cafe Habana, serves our dinner for tonight.
Mexican grilled corns are popular on the menu.

Habana的食物很簡單 除了有名的烤玉米
So are the Cuban Sandwiches.

小小的店裡沒有位子 很多人都隨興買到外頭吃 We took to-go meals.

最後我們點了招牌古巴豬肉三明治 (Cuban Sandwich) 招牌烤玉米
和Herbal Hibiscus Iced Tea (口味很妙 值得一試)
We ordered the Cuban Sandwich, Herbal Hibiscus Iced Tea,
and the Grilled Corns of course.

就是有很多異國料理可以嘗試 (不管是高級還是平價小吃)
食物可能不見得對你的口味 但品嘗各地不同的味道 真是太有趣了
如果不是來紐約 我可能一輩子也不知道古巴是甚麼味道 哈哈
I would never know the taste of Cuba if didn't come to NY.
The chance to try out different food makes it fun to be here.

裡面有軟爛的碎豬肉 火腿 醃瓜 Swiss Cheese還有美乃滋
The Cuban Sandwich came with chopped pork, ham, pickled, Swiss cheese and Mayonnaise.
And the freshly-baked bread.

I love the grilled corn better.

除了玉米很香甜 特殊的香料 再淋上一點萊姆汁
還有一點點炭烤的香氣 超讚!
跟我一樣的玉米控 一定要來吃看看
Cafe Habana
Brave sweet grilled corn with special spices and lime juice.
Cafe Habana

轉戰11街的Veniero's 甜點店 來吃吃看有名的義式Pastries和Cheesecake
After dinner at Cafe Habana,
we headed for a famous dessert shop on 11th Street.
Veniero's Pastries & Caffe

Antonio Veniero先生在1894就開了這間義式甜點店
Mr. Antonio Veniero opened the dessert store in 1894.
You can smell the aroma of fresh-baked cakes and cookies as you step in.

這間甜點不但好吃又平價 所以生意好好
The price is reasonable here.

進來別忘了先抽號碼牌 (這個機台很妙很像酒精殺菌機)
Take a waiting number first.

Veniero光是Cheesecake就有好多種 琳瑯滿目根本不知道怎麼選
但是你可以請服務生讓你試吃 切一小塊吃完再決定
本來想選Italian cheesecake因為好像很特別
但是試吃之後 我還是決定回來選 比較習慣的紐約輕乳酪 (New York Cheesecake)
I ended up choosing NY cheesecake after trying a piece of Italian cheesecake.

這裡還有超多種新鮮烘培的餅乾 光用看的就好幸福!!
Veniero serves a vast diversity of cakes and cookies.

最後我們點了好吃的pastry "Strawberry Millefoglie",
NY Cheesecake and Cannoli (捲餅式裡面有奶油餡)
We had Strawberry Millefoglie, NY Cheesecake and Cannoli at the end.

平價甜點 Veniero是今天之最
簡單分享 Stay tuned.
Veniero is my fav for today!
Thanks for reading. Stay tuned.
