
紐約第四天: 大都會博物館+好吃Arapes口袋餅+醉人大蘋果夜景 <3<3

一早就來大都會博物館 (The Metropolitan Museum)

每次來都有Gossip Girl想坐在階梯上吃午餐的衝動!

NY Day4 first stop:  The Metropolitan Museum.
Feeling like having a sandwich sitting on the stairs just like Gossip Girl.

暑假期間 觀光客真的很多
Patience needed for ppl waiting in line for tickets during summer time. 

現在的票變的真可愛  是簡單M字樣的夾式徽章  (夾在身上明顯處 就可以入場囉)
A cute M clipping button should be worn for admission.


My sis's fav exhibition area, the Ancient Egypt.
She is so into the mysterious Egypt stuff.

Obsessed with exotic mummies and delicate jewelries buried in the tomb.

聖甲蟲?  Egyptian scarab?

精美首飾都是送給公主的 難怪件件都是寶物    Jewelries for the princess.

結果我最喜歡就是這頂假髮(?) 太可愛了讓我連想到貓王
感覺髮質好好喔  真想戴戴看~
The shiny n gorgeous wig made me think of Elvis :D dunno why...

分裝靈魂的聖杯? 像神鬼傳奇裡印和闐
The containers look similar to the ones in The Mummy.

Fancy deco n stories in the inner case!

天氣好好 陽光灑進來好明亮
Love the daylight flowing in the museum.

Jumping shot everywhere.

The European Painting is also a section keeping me for a while.

  Portraits of peace and elegance.

進來這裡自然腳步都放慢了  Everything is slowed down in here.

這次來最驚喜的就是 看到好多畫家在現場臨摹畫作
你可以直接站在她旁邊看他畫的ㄧ筆一觸   好逼真喔真厲害

A big surprise to see artists imitating the originals.

It's so pleased to just stand beside and watch the strokes moving on canvas.

博物館裡除了雕像畫作  還有華麗的器皿   Appliances for royal family.

最後要回家前 才匆匆跑來逛我最喜歡的希臘羅馬區
My fav Greek and Rome Art

喜歡這裡白淨展現力與美的的雕像  一旁還有陽光灑落

Love the beauty of indoor daylight and sculptures representing strength and beauty here.

逛累了  還可以來地下室的自助餐區吃吃飯
The Met, the cafeteria in the underground.

來的時候時間已經晚了  可以選的菜色不多
We were late when we got here, not so many options to choose from.

食物還ok囉  Well...I guess the food is okay.

大都會真的很適合花大半天在裡面  細細逛一下
但怎麼每次我都行程這麼趕拉 吼!

希望很快有可以再來! (下次來可能都要帶小孩了 哈) 
Can't believe we need to leave so early. :''(  See you soon!

(然後為什麼徐阿平跳都像仙女 阿我都像...)

七月天氣真的好熱喔  回家整妝一下  又出發去時代廣場了
原來打算去TKTS碰碰運氣  買百老匯的票

Couldn't stand the heat in July, we headed back to change and then revisit Time Square.

Trying to get good bargains at TKTS for the Broadway show, Lion King.

白天的時代廣場 雖然沒有晚上豔麗四射  但也是生氣蓬勃 
Without the lights at night, Time Square was still full of vibe in the daytime.

ㄧ到現場看到這麼多人排隊  我們就放棄了 哈哈
tkts的豎立招牌上 都有百老匯當天特價的劇目 
幸運的話真的可以用好價錢看到表演喔  但熱門的劇碼幾乎都是買不到

We decided to go shopping instead as we saw the long line at tkts...

Special-priced tickets are all listed on the screen of the TKTS sign.
Bargains are hard to get for high-rated shows.

一氣之下直接前往第五大道 阿哈哈   The Fifth Ave.

第五大道上的H&M怎麼可以不逛一下 超級大間!!
Huge H&M store on the Fifth Ave.

在裡面很容易失心   Entirely lost my mind in here.

到了第五大道上的A&F  也別忘了跟猛男拍照喔

Zara is right across the street.

The A&F is another spot you shouldn't miss.

走的腳好痠 來杯Godiva巧克力冰沙
Godiva Chocolate Shake after a long walk.


今天一樣要帶大家探訪義國料理巷弄小店   位於東區7街上的
Caracas Arepa Bar

他們的招牌是來自委內瑞拉的  玉米口袋餅! (也是看網路上介紹來的)

Caracas Arepa Bar

Located on the Est 7th Street in Manhattan.
Arepa is the hot item in the menu, pita-like pocket made from corn-four. Originated in Venezuela.

The crowd tells you the quality of the food, I guess : )

又是ㄧ間小巧又溫馨的小店  Tiny restaurant with cute deco.

有興趣的人  可以參考一下菜單
我們點的side dish是箭頭處的Cheese條  飲料則是ㄧ種傳統的檸檬茶 (箭號處)
Menu items.
We ordered the cheese sticks for side dish and a traditional beverage tasting like lemon tea.

另一個是豬肉口味 (忘了確切是哪一樣)

材料新鮮  咬下去聞的到濃濃玉米香
如果跟我們一樣坐在吧檯   還可以一邊看到揉麵粉團丟進油鍋現炸
熱騰騰吃起來   外層很酥脆又不油膩  內心又是軟的  口感很多層

For Arepas, we had the recommended "De Pabellon" with shredded beef,
and the other one was pork.

The golden arepas are made from scratch daily, so they deliver the freshness.
I love the crispy outer crust and the steamy-soft in the middle.
Not greasy at all and you can smell the corn as you had a big bite. 

Cheese條是我妹的最愛   外層酥脆內心也很cheesy
The cheese sticks were awesome as well.

脆脆的餅乾中間夾焦糖漿  我覺得ok  但也沒有到必點 (會不會太直接)

We also had a caramel syrup cookie as dessert (not on the menu).
But it didn't surprised me.

吃飽後   決定不要浪費大好的紐約夜晚時光
除了想看紐約夜景  也想看看帝國大廈
所以我們去克萊斯勒大樓的觀景台  (這樣就可以一箭雙鵰)

After dinner we headed to the observation deck in the Chrysler Building.
From here, you can see the Empire State Building and the NY night view.

一樓的買票處  旁邊就有地圖標註周圍可以看到的大樓

Buildings around were highlighted on the map posted beside the ticket window on 1st floor.

拿到票囉!  Tickets are ready!

記得要拿個導覽 (白天和夜晚的景緻都有喔)
Don't forget to bring a guide with you.

今天晚上人好多喔 也有好多情侶相依來看夜景好甜蜜!
Another long line wait before we reach the top.

排隊的路線上還有大樓的簡單介紹  也有小攝影棚幫你照相留念
Brief intro. of the building are presented on the way to the elevator.

And a tiny photo booth was standing by as well.

在上升耳鳴不舒服的當中  抬頭一看還有很科幻又充滿光彩變換的影像在頭頂喔

The ringing and muffled-hearing in the ear as elevator went up
was sort of relieved as I tried to focus on the fiction shows above my head.

觀景台有室內室外 戶外的部分有兩層
Two levels of the outdoor area on the deck.

喜歡嗎? 美好的第四天就在這醉人的夜景中結束了. 簡單分享 Stay tuned.
Let the breathtaking night view wraps up the wonderful day. 
Thanks for reading. Stay tuned.


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