
Cooking classes are lots of fun. I am entirely hooked!!!

馬上等不及   再度嘗試其他烹飪教室

Completely impressed by the things learned in last cooking class. 
The great experience drove me to sign up for another one.

第二次選的煮飯教室叫做 "Cashmere Bites"
離學校很近   這樣以後也方便多了真好~
首圖的紅色氣派大門  就是教室的門口
這間真的很酷   是由許多藝術工作者    一起租借的開放工作室
一進大門就是開放的戶外空間     有簡單隨意的桌椅擺設 
上方掛著長條妝點小白燈    讓整個空間格外浪漫又有藝術氣息

The 2nd cooking class is called "Cashmere Bites."
It's 5-mins drive from campus.
The cover picture was the vibrant-red front door.
This is a awesome studio shared by several artists and chef.
The artistic atmosphere can be felt as you stepped into the open-ended front yard.
The decorative string lights hanging up there brought romantic and artistic touch to the tiny space.

很像一般地下室的捲式鐵門    垂掛式的窗簾讓空間更柔和
門口還有一個像真人的模特兒  乍看感覺超級毛

The entrance was at the end of the front yard.
I like the draping curtains hanging over the rolling door.
The mannequin at the door was sort of creepy anyway.


A glass dining table and couches were scattered in the studio.   
The dining table was where we shared and enjoyed the food we cooked later.
People who arrived earlier casually relaxed and chatted in the open area.

老師Tracey是位做事步調慢  但講解仔細的廚師
她以前還在Vegas的大飯店擔任廚師  那間的Buffet 榮登我心中第一 哈  

Our instructor Tracey was preparing ingredients as I stepped in.
She explained everything in a clear and slow-paced way.
Tracey used to cook at Bellagio Hotel in Vegas.
Oh I miss the buffet there!!!


Love the rolling door with blowing curtains.

到處都有攝影器材  還有性感又可愛的模特兒

The artists living here shared the open space.
Sexy naked model hanging on the wall had my full attention lol.

因為怕弄髒  每位學生都有一件自己的小圍裙喔

Really enjoyed participating in the cooking process rather than attending a demonstration class.
It's way more fun to cook by myself!!
The cute apron ensured you to leave without ruining you clothes, how sweet~~


All set. Let's get started!!

今天的第一道"Corn Fritter" 就讓我滿心歡喜
作法很酷  居然直接把生的白玉米放到卡式爐上燒烤
還會發出逼哩波的聲音有夠嚇人  (有點像爆米花...)
然後拿一隻鐵夾反覆翻轉  直到整隻玉米平均都有點焦黃就可以囉
(其實好幾處都被烤焦  但老師就是喜歡這種隨興Feeu)

The appetizer today was a savory dish called "Corn Fritter"
White corns were laid and cooked on the stove.
Constantly rotated until the surface turns into brownish color.
The popping sound really scared me, but the corn smelled sooo good!

玉米烤好  老師傳授大家簡單又快速切玉米的方法

Tracey taught us the easiest way to cut the kernels off the cobs!!
The next step was to blend them all into a spice flour mixture.

下鍋油炸前要把玉米麵糰  用湯匙反覆塑形   讓它緊密黏合
ㄧ開始覺得超難一直失敗  一下鍋就散開 
旁邊同學看不下去一直教我  哈哈哈

This was an easy and time-saving appetizer.
But it's so hard to make the football shape batter by using 2 spoons before dropping them into hot oil.
I failed so many times lol and thanked to a Mommy next to me who shared her tips.

多弄幾次我也上手囉  也沒這麼難嘛其實 (煙)
一樣不用炸太久   顏色有點金黃就可以起鍋囉

I could make a beautiful shape after several practices.
It didn't take you too long to fry the fritter.
The appetizer was done when it turned gold.    

特調的沾醬更是不得了  大家都讚不絕口!!
這種沾醬好搭炸物喔  有點酸酸又有濃郁的奶油香氣

The special sauce was awesome and surprised everyone.
You couldn't quit the dipping sauce once you tried it.
The sour flavor and creamy texture made it a perfect match for all fried food.

有 "鮮蝦克里奧醬汁" (Shrimp Creole)  還有 "小龍蝦番茄醬汁" (Crawfish Etouffee)

"克里歐" (Creole) 和"卡真" (Cajun) 都是當地黑人與西班牙人, 法國人混血的後裔
法國移民帶來家鄉味的香料   加上當地盛產的海鮮
還有必備的三樣蔬菜: 芹菜  甜椒  洋蔥
後來大家也把這樣的菜餚命名為 "Cajun" 或 "Creole" style

The main courses today were  "Shrimp Creole" and "Crawfish Etouffee."
They were the genuine taste of New Orleans.
New Orleans used to be the colony of France and Spain.
"Creole" and "Cajun" were the descendents of these colonial settlers.
So the cuisine represented the cultural mixture of spices and ingredients.

紐澳良的基底食材 "甜椒", "洋蔥", "芹菜"  又被叫做"蔬菜的三巨頭" (自己亂翻)
吃起來不但健康口感清爽  搭配起來顏色也超美

The "Holy Trinity" (celery+onions+peppers) are the basic ingredients for New Orleans dishes.
The mixture of these three makes the color stands out and enhances the flavor.


The mixture of Holy Trinity needed to be stirred first until soft.

再依序加入香料和新鮮香草   最後放入白酒(可省略), 海鮮燉煮就完成囉
第一次學會用香草"百里香"   台灣也有這種香草
它有一股蠻濃的香氣   加入料理會讓整鍋都變好香

Spices and fresh thyme were added later on.
The flavorful thyme leaves were snipped from the stem and sprinkled over the sauce. 
The dishes were finished by adding white wine and seafood.

海鮮和香料的香氣融為一體  吃起來鮮美又有蔬菜的清爽  超級下飯!!!
煮完飯老師還開了一瓶白酒   吃海鮮搭白酒也太享受了

The "Shrimp Creole" and "Crawfish Etouffee" went perfectly with rice.
The fragrant spices brought out the flavor of seafood and veggies. 
Tracey shared a bottle of white wine as we were eating together.


The crawfish.

同學可以清楚的看到示範  也方便老師指導大家

The big open cooking counter provided a great view for us to follow demonstrating steps.
Everyone could be advised as Tracey went around the table. 

完成第二道主菜了  有沒有很好吃的感覺!!

The second main course was done! How did it look?

結果今天有ㄧ道料理太辣   大家邊吃邊衝去裝水喝
黃瓜水一開始喝不太習慣  因為有股生生青青的味道
但越喝越覺得很涼爽   畢竟單喝白開水實在有點無聊 哈

Tracey made cucumber water for us in case the food was too spicy.
I didn't like the cucumber taste at first.
But fell in with the calorie-free and refreshing taste after several glasses.

最後一到甜點 "Buttermilk Beignet"
是一種類似甜甜圈的炸麵團   但中間沒有挖孔

Today's dessert was "Buttermilk Beignet"
The French style fried dough looked like a no-hole donut.
The fermented dough was hand-made.

步驟也不複雜  只是要等麵團醒過來要有耐心就是

The steps were not complicated at all.
But you needed to wait for an hour to have it fully fermented.

就可以切塊  滑入油鍋裡翻轉一下

The fermented dough was then cut into square pieces and slowly slipped into heated oil.
A Beignet was ready to be served when it turned gold and became larger.

自己吃完 還跑回去多做兩三個全部吃光光 哈哈

The sweet beignet was finished with sugar powder on top and decorated with chocolate syrup.
The crispy-outside-and-soft-inside dessert tasted fantastic!!!!  
A funny father who loved the sweet made 3 more beignets for himself after he finished the first one lol.  

學到好多好滿足~ 每一道我都好喜歡   回去要做給大家吃
謝謝Tracey 細心的教導讓我大開眼界  又多了解好多香料香草
希望大家喜歡 : )

Today's seafood meal satisfied our palate and appetite.
So happy to learn many new herbs and spices.
And wanna cook these savory dishes for my family and friends next time.
Thank you Tracey, and I will be back soon!!! : )  

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