週末想吃個甜點嗎? 來個簡單十分鐘布朗尼八
Crave for some sweets on weekend? Easy recipe of 10-min homemade brownie.
感謝我的室友Rachel 推薦我看"松露玫瑰"的馬克杯布朗尼簡易做法 照著做結果真的超成功耶!
"松露玫瑰"的部落格 有各種簡易料理的分享 有興趣可以去看看喔
MY roomie Rachel gave me the easy brownie recipe she learned from the blogger "Truffle Rose."
The simplified "Brownie in a Mug" recipe.
It was a great success when I followed the steps n made my first brownie.
其實今天是試做第三次了 (每次都很成功 所以丈量材料份量時也變得比較隨意)
我選用麥麵粉取代一般白麵粉 感覺比較健康 口感也一樣好吃喔!
一人份的話 麥麵粉兩大茶匙就夠
Here we go.
I used the wheat flour to replace the regular flour which was healthier LOL.
This was my third time making the same brownie.
The previous attempts were successful so I didn't measure everything that carefully this time.
For one person, two big tea spoons of wheat flour should be enough.
接著分別加入少許鹽巴 泡打粉(baking soda) 還有四匙奶油 (我用橄欖油取代比較簡單)
Followed by a pinch of salt, baking soda, and four tea spoons of veggie oil or butter.
做布朗尼當然少不了純正可可粉 我用Hershey的無糖純可可粉 超香超好吃的!
可可粉兩大匙 然後加入兩匙細砂糖 (甜度依個人調整囉)
I added two tea spoons of unsweetened 100% cocoa powder from Hershey's.
And two spoons of sugar. (feel free to add more if you r sugar addict)
Wrapped up by adding four tea spoons of milk.
然後全部均勻拌在一起 如果太乾就適量多加一點牛奶和油 (我每次都超隨意的 哈哈)
目的要達到整個有點濕潤黏稠 又不會過於液態會流動的那樣
Blended everything together nicely til it became a moistured and sticky mixture and not too watery.
If it gets too dry, slowly add little more milk and oil.
Like this.
整個拌勻後 靜置10分鐘
接著就可以放入微波爐了 加熱三分鐘 (我用碗裝所以不會過厚 熟得也比較快)
如果你是用較深的容器 建議分幾次加熱 ㄧ次兩三分鐘就好
讓熱度慢慢透進去 以免表層因加熱太久而過乾
Left the mixture for 10 mins after you blended them thoroughly.
Then microwaved it for 3 mins.
If you use a container with a deeper bottom, microwave two to three mins each time and repeat if necessary.
Let the heat slowly reach the inner part and refrain the outer crust from getting too dry by heating it up too long all at once.
微波完 可以用ㄧ隻筷子戳進去 如果出來沒有麵團黏在上面 就代表熟透可以吃囉
Used a chopstick to sitck into the cake, if it came out without wet mixture stuck on it, then it's ready.
熱騰騰的布朗尼 搭配我最愛的蘭姆葡萄香草冰淇淋
Hot brownie went perfectly with my fav rum raisin vanilla ice cream, yummy!!!
吃起來有點濕潤 充滿可可香氣
Cocoa smelled so good and the moisture in the cake was just right. Yay.
Recommend to chocolate lovers!
So gooooooooooooood!!!
Stay tuned!
Thanks for reading.
Next post, fall looks mix n match or a concealer haul?