神奇天然秘方 消除惱人的電鍋水垢!
Green-conscious Limescale Exterminator!!
忘了之前是誰在FB分享的文章 教大家消除電鍋裡的陳年汙垢
感謝這位分享的人 還有這位人妻寫的網誌
看了以後立刻找時間實驗一下! 效果真是太驚人了!!
I happened to see a shared blog post on FB one day,
teaching ppl how to remove annoying limescale w easy steps.
Couldn't wait to try it out after reading it, and the result turned out to be AMAZING!!!!
實在有點不好意思 讓大家看看我們家電鍋胎哥的模樣
其實每次使用完 都有盡量用抹布把水擦乾淨 但是用久了還是免不了汙垢殘留
Please don't judge....here is the limescale in our electric pot.
We try to keep it clean by wiping out the water at the bottom every time after using it.
But still can't get rid of the dirty spots after using for a while.
一般大電鍋需要兩顆檸檬 (綠色的才是檸檬喔!)
對半切開丟入裝水八分滿的電鍋 然後開啟電源燉煮約30分鐘
All you need is to use two lemon and cut them in half.
Throw the four pieces into the pot filled with water to 4/5.
Turn it on and wait for 30 mins.
30分鐘一到 把鍋蓋打開 看到水在滾後 就關掉電源 拔掉插頭 靜制3小時不要動它
After 30 mins, open the lid and when you see the water is boiling.
Turn it off and unplug the pot. Leave it for 3 hours.
同一個方法我後來也拿來實驗我的小電過 效果也很好
I applied the same methods to my smaller pot, and it worked well too.
The fully-boiled lemon turned yellow and super soft.
三小時後 把水倒掉 簡單清洗內部 (小心電源開關部分不要沖到水)
After 3 hours, pour out the water and clean the inside carefully.
其實把水倒掉後 為清洗前就可以看到底部變很乾淨
沒想到剩下的污垢輕輕一搓就洗掉了 好開心!!!
These were the remaining spots after we poured out the water.
And they were easily wiped out when we cleaned it. So surprised!
(Beware not to expose the switch and wire part to water)
洗完就變亮晶晶! 檸檬真的好神奇喔
Here was the final result! A brand-new-like clean pot!
Lemon was so useful!
You don't feel the oil or dirt anymore when you touch the inside.
之後使用電鍋都覺得好乾淨 真棒!
有需要的人真的可以試試這個天然的方法 一試就愛上!
Thanks for reading.
I felt better about my food after cleaning the limescale.
Try this natural method next time and you will find it magical, too!
Stay tuned.