

此篇為Protect Your Bubble廠商合作文

 This post is sponsored by Protect Your Bubble.


(文末送智慧型電子用品專屬的兩年保險,幸運的讀者必須為U.S. resident,

保險的3C產品必須在過去一年內購買的才有效, 如果讀者將要購買iPhone 5s 也可以保唷 J,趕快看下去如何得到這份小禮)


(A gift of two-year gadget insurance will be given by me to one lucky reader. U.S. residents only.

The gadget needs to be purchased within the past 12 months.

Or if you plan to purchase the iPhone 5s, you are qualified too! Keep reading to

learn more).



自從開始使用iPhone 對手機的依賴越來越深

每天拍照 上傳分享 Facebook更新 瀏覽網誌 行事曆紀錄 收發email等等

從早上一睜開眼到晚上睡前 iPhone就像我的貼身小秘書   


I’ve been entirely attached to my iPhone ever since I got my first one.

Photo taking, sharing, uploading, Facebook updating, blog browsing, email checking…

It’s like my personal assistant all day long 24/7, helping with all the daily tasks.



來美國之後  發現不只有我 很多人都有掉過iPhone的經驗

我的狀況比較扯 是某天去海邊玩 

把手機放在沙灘上到一旁拍照 結果被海浪捲走

那個時候很懊惱  因為還要自掏腰包再買一隻新手機 


After I came to the U.S., I realize that not just me who have lost iPhone before.

My case was sort of ridiculous…

I lost mine at a sandy beach where I left my phone aside and went for taking pics,

and there was a high tide that took my phone….

I was so down then cause I needed to buy a new phone by myself.



後來陸續有朋友都在旅遊途中 或是去夜店人擠人的地方 不小心掉了電話


就像人一樣  多了保險的保障也多了一層安心


After several friends who also lost their phones at clubs where you can’t even breathe in the crowd,

I came to know that you can also have an insurance to secure your iPhone.

Just like the health insurance for people that secures a peace of mind.



剛好這個周末  好朋友在Vegas結婚  我計畫去參加婚禮

想趁著這趟小旅行 也順便去Vegas有名的夜店”Marquee”朝聖一下

這幾天已經開始打包行李了 這次想要簡單輕便一點


My friend's upcoming wedding is taking place in Vegas this weekend.

We are going to attend and bring our blessings to the couple, how exciting!!!

And also plan to visit one of the most renowned clubs at Vegas, Marquee.

Starting to pack today, trying to bring as few stuff as possible this time.




打包行李當然少不了重要的工作好夥伴  筆電+手機+隨身硬碟

旅行當中的好吃好玩 都想要即時上傳分享


Of course also my gadget buddies, laptop, iPhone and hard disk.

Love to update and share everything fun or tasty at the moment.





Protect Your Bubble這家專業的電子產品保險公司 

提供各種智慧型電子產品的保險服務  輕鬆選擇不傷荷包的package

除了防盜 快速換新機服務

也保障自己不小心造成的意外 像是螢幕破裂或是液體損傷


更多服務 有興趣的人可以參考他們的網頁

Protect Your Bubble 


To have a wonderful blast at the club without worrying about losing the phone,

Protect Your Bubble is here for you to protect your gadgets.

They provide diverse packages catering to different needs at reasonable price.

Gadget insurance covers theft, loss, accidental damage and it also ensures fast replacement.

Feel free to check their website for more info. 

Protect Your Bubble.





寫下如果幸運抽中這份保險  你最想帶哪樣3C產品去小旅行

然後點入下面的Rufflecopter隨機系統  輸入個人資料

幸運得主會在一個禮拜後公布  Good Luck!

敬請期待我們的Vegas餐加婚禮之旅Part 2!

Thanks for reading.


Please leave a comment below, telling me where you wanna take a trip if you are lucky to get the insurance.

And then click through the Rufflecopter link to leave your contact info.

One lucky person will be picked by Ruffleopter a week after. Good Luck!  

Thanks for reading.


Our Vegas wedding trip part 2 is coming up.

Stay tuned.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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