My Fave Concealers.
寫這篇文 其實花了蠻多時間
要拍出盡量呈現真實的照片 還要大方讓大家看我的"素眼"
(為了推薦好物我豁出去囉! 沒心理準備好的人 就別往下看了 警告!!!)
遮瑕真是一門大學問 一個好遮瑕讓你不用濃妝 就可以看起來好氣色 更有精神!
所以還在學習當中 大家有好物也請與我分享!
The world of concealers is still a subject for me to learn.
The magic is that they make your eyes appear younger and lift the entire face.
I would like to share some old and new concealers I've been using.
(Plz don't judge my bare eyes with no makeup...)
今天要評比四款遮瑕 (是從好久以前到現在用過的)
1號: 明星款 Bobbi Brown (多年使用款)
2號: 美國標榜只含有5種礦物的 Bare Minerals
3號: Em Cosmetics "The Great Cover Up"
4號: IPSA 自律循環遮瑕組 (妹妹推薦我的好用款)
1: Bobbi Brown
2: Bare Minerals
3: The Great Cover Up by Em Cosmetics.
4: Creative Concealer by IPSA.
Bobbi Brown 這組遮瑕台灣廣告已經太氾濫了 稍為做功課 或是有去逛百貨週年慶 應該都知道這款
現在已經改良成有兩格的遮瑕盤 我的是舊款 兩個分開的包裝
步驟一是要先用這個 "Creamy Concealer"
功能是先均衡你的黑眼圈顏色 當作打底
(才不會只是猛蓋淺色 造成完全蓋不徹底 一團混頓的窘態)
The renowned BB concealers have changed the package from two separate ones into one concealer palette.
I m still using the ones in old package purchased before.
Step 1 is to apply the "Creamy Concealer" on your dark circles to even out the color as a base.
選購時小姐會依據你的膚色+黑眼圈顏色(偏青/紅/綠/咖色等) 來建議選色
我的色號是"Warm Ivory"
專櫃小姐教我要在黑眼圈上 先打一個小V
(但後來我每次就是打在黑眼圈的範圍 淚溝會加強一點 用無名指腹輕輕推勻 就這樣)
My color is "Warm Ivory," and the makeup artist suggested to draw a v shape under the eyes.
And blend it out with the ring finger softly.
再來是步驟二 (淺色遮瑕來打亮)
舊款有兩層 上面試淺色遮瑕膏 下層是定妝用的蜜粉 (但我的眼下偏乾 後來蜜粉都沒在用)
Step 2: Use the lighter color to create a bigger and deeper V shape to light up and area.
I seldom use the light powder beneath bc it makes my eyes look cakey.
標準做法是用步驟二淺色遮瑕 在眼下打一個更大的V 並且適量加在最靠近眼下+眼尾的部分
Love the brightening and lifting results.
Before and After:
雖然這款我用了多年 (以前就有大廠牌迷思 加上沒比較過 就默默一直續購了好幾年)
但到目前為止 整體評比下來
我覺得這組單價偏高 質地偏乾一些 (以上是我個人評論喔 僅供參考!)
完整的遮瑕後 看起來有點厚重
I've been using this concealer set for many years.
But after comparing w other concealers, I realized that price is much higher than others which also have good quality.
The texture is drier and the coverage is heavier for me.
第二款: 美國在地品牌 Bare Minerals
主打只採用純礦物成分 不含防腐劑 香料 油脂 滑石粉 和其他可能刺激皮膚的成分
是走天然路線的彩妝品 在打工的地方認識這個品牌 最熱賣的就是"礦物底妝系列"
BM 的遮瑕 我搭配使用膏狀"Correcting Concealer" 和棒狀的這隻"Stroke of Light"
No. 2 is my new fave from Bare Minerals, the "Correcting Concealer" and the "Stroke of Light."
Love the pure mineral ingredients concept and the products contain no oil, preservatives, fragrance and other skin irritants.
Correcting Concealer 我的色號: Medium 2
這個角色有點像BB的步驟一 用來打底先均衡底色
但這款遮瑕膏質地很保濕 延展性很好 輕鬆就推開 避免過度拉扯眼下皮膚
My color for Correcting Concealer is Medium 2. (SPF20)
The texture is moisturizing and creamy. It's easily blended out.
第一步 一樣是先蓋住最深色的部分 用無名指輕推開
Step 1: Cover up the dark area.
再來就是Stroke of Light (聚光燈柱) 登場!!!
Next is the "Stroke of Light."
我習慣用點狀上在眼下 範圍較上一個步驟大一些
輕輕用無名指壓勻(手指直立可以減少拉扯 sorry 中間照片有一點點過亮)
讓上下層融合 不要出現界線
Applying under the eyes in a bigger circle and blending them out.
Before and After:
對我來說夠滋潤 也很好推勻 遮瑕度可依個人喜好調整
Basically, I love the hydrating and creamy texture of the BM concealers.
They also provide great coverage without looking too thick.
第三款 來自L.A. 部落客Michelle Phan和萊雅L'OREAL 共同開發的專屬Em彩妝系列
"The Great Cover Up" 簡單使用 一隻就搞定 (懶惰女生的利器)
這隻標榜質地保濕絲滑好推 遮瑕夠力 不易有乾塊
No. 3 is the "The Great Cover Up" from Michelle's Em Cosmetics.
Just one tube and that's it! Superb for lazy girls.
Creamy, hydrating and having a great coverage. Thumbs up!
官網上有8種色系可選 我的色號是Fair Warm
結果這隻真的不錯好用喔 質地擠出來比較厚實一點
但是延展性好 推開後遮瑕度很夠 也保濕 蠻神奇的! 推薦
8 shades are offered on the website.
My color is Fair Warm.
Before and After:
最後第四款: 台灣蠻紅的"IPSA自律遮瑕循環組"
謝謝我妹強烈推薦我試用 然後不愧是日本美妝 防曬係數有SPF25 PA+++ 拍拍手!
Lastly, the No. 4: Creative Concealer by IPSA, the Japanese cosmetic line.
Recommended by my little sis, and I fell in love with it right away. (SPF25 PA+++)
這款遮瑕盤設計也精美又簡單 總共三色 空一格是調色使用 還有附伸縮小刷子(貼心)
1號的用途是均衡黑眼圈打底 2和3可以調在一起(依照你的黑眼圈顏色做比例調配) 在眼下做第二層遮瑕和打亮
It's an adorable palette with minimal design. Three colors inside, and there is an empty space for color mixing.
No. 1 is the base that balances the darker color.
And no. 2 and 3 can be mixed freely to fit into different skin tones.
遮瑕的這天自然陽光好大 事後編輯有調一點光線 但圖片完全沒修喔 真實呈現請放心!
依序是 素眼--->第一層1號--->第二層(2+3號混合)--->完成!
Bare eyes--->Applying no. 1 color--->Applying no. 2+3--->Finished look.
Under a white light in the evening.
Under natural day light.
我妹說得沒錯 保濕做好 遮瑕打好不要過厚 畫個眼線 妝淡淡就氣色好又乾淨喔!
美女們 一起做好保濕巴!
看在我寫的這麼辛苦 幫我按個讚巴!
Thanks for reading.
Stay tuned.