L.A.也有專業美甲師 美女們快來看看!!!
Professional Japanese nail art studio in Los Angeles!
當漂亮的新娘除了搞定妝髮 當然指間的小細節也不能錯過~
Pretty nail arts are indispensable to complete the bridal look on her wedding day.
我也喜歡她優雅的水晶指甲 跟禮服和首飾完全融為一體耶
Sylvia looked gorgeous with wonderful makeup and hair styled by her amazing girlfriends.
Her elegant nail arts went with the dress and everything so well.
I am obsessed with the dress, so pretty.
這次的指甲是在Los Angeles一個韓國城商場裡的美甲沙龍做的
美甲老手Sylvia早就是這裡的常客 我是透過她的介紹才有了第一次的美甲體驗 (好俗氣)
The nails were done at Marie Nails located at a Korean plaza in K-town.
I had my very first nail art done here coz Sylvia's recommendation.
店名就是Marie Nails. 小小一間 內外都超級乾淨
Marie Nails.
裡面架上放了很多美牌 essie的指甲油 (我的愛牌)
They put my fav essie nail polish on the wall.
Light pink interior.
她就是擁有專業巧手的Mika 店裡的紅牌
(隔壁看鏡頭的媽媽 邊做指甲邊聽我們的對話一直偷笑 哈)
Mika is the most popular nail artist in the studio.
Sylvia said she usually made a phone call few weeks in advance to make an appointment with her.
Mika最厲害的地方 (Sylvia表示) 就是每次給她看一個圖 她都可以實現各種有難度的樣式 別的美甲師不是人人有她的功力
Mika can do whatever you show her in the pic. Her expertise is uncomparable with other artists here. LOL
這次Slvia來做結婚用的美甲 我來插花跟拍 哈哈哈
美甲師會依據你給她看的圖片 然後請你從旁邊的sample裡 選出想要搭配或基底顏色
I joined Sylvia when she came for her wedding nails.
The nail artist discussed with you about the base color after she saw the nail picture.
Mika人超級親切 也很好聊天 是個可愛從日本獨自來美國打拼的小女生
Mika was a nice Japanese girl to chat with. She came to the U.S. for work all by herself. (thumb)
The sticker was for nail extension.
完成囉!! 雖然照片不太清晰 但還是好美好美~ 上面小小珠寶真可愛
Done!! The tiny jewelry designs were adorable even in a blurry pic.
Mika you rocked!
然後其實在那之前 我也自己去做了一次 (人生中第一次做光療指甲)
I went there to get my first nail art done a few weeks ago.
平常不留指甲的我 也為了有更美麗的效果特地忍住留了一點長度
I don't like grow my nail, but I grew my nails a lil bit before I did the nail for a nicer look.
我的手曬黑了 不然配這樣的淡粉應該會更好看
My hands got more tanned lately....so the light pink color didn't stand out that much. LOL
因為我覺得Mika做的成品比我show給她看的照片更美 好喜歡!
I really like the design this time, it looked better than the pic I showed her.
結果粉色指彩跟新錶意外很搭 然後光療真的撐了好久喔
And the pink surprisngly matched my pink new watch. LOL
My nail arts lasted for 5 weeks, and they still looked good when I removed them.
這次腳也有做喔 但是不像手的部分是光療 只是一般的上色+小亮片
My feet were doing merely nail polish without gel.
最後跟大家分享一下Sylvia這次穿的禮服 是美國品牌Mori Lee
是婚紗店台灣人老闆娘推薦的 我們一眼就相中 他的款式都好年輕 好別緻
The wedding dress Sylvia wore was from Mori Lee.
Mori Lee的婚紗設計師就是她 Madeline Gardner
17年來都埋首於自己設計 打板 裁縫 出產一件件用心又典雅的新娘禮服
Madeline Gardner is the designer of Mori Lee.
In the past 17 years, she's been dedicating to deisgning, sewing and manufacturing her beautiful dresses that fulfill every girl's dream.
Madeline也是紐約Fashion Institute畢業的 現在跟老公和兒子住在紐約充滿藝術氣息的蘇活(Soho)區
Madeline graduated from The Fashion Institute in New York City. Now she lives in Soho w her beloved husband and two sons.
Madeline with Goerge Clooney.
做了功課以後 發現Madeline真的是設計鬼才耶
不管是新娘還是適合各種場合的禮服 都簡約又不失優雅 突顯各種不同的身形
Madeline is really a talented designer in creating a wide range of dresses and gowns catering to diverse occasions.
Her dresses highlights the beauty of women in different shapes.
網頁裡的的美一款都好美喔 看得我都想婚了 (誤)
All the wedding dresses on the website are so appealing!!!
Love the simplicity, pure white and elegance.
Which one you like?
除了新娘禮服 伴娘的洋裝也好美 長短款都有 美國這邊真的好流行伴娘也穿很一致很用心打扮
The bridesmaid dresses are gorg too.
Party queen dresses!!
一看到就愛上 立馬打去經銷商詢問 有機會去試穿再給大家看喔!
Couldn't believe that I found the single-shoulder dress I wanted here.
Can't wait to schedule a time w the authorized shop to try it on.
你也愛上Mori Lee的婚紗了嘛?
(結果明明這篇主題是指甲 沒想到寫到最後居然大篇幅聊起婚紗....) 哈哈
最後讓送大家新娘的回眸一笑 真是賺到了!
Do you also fall in love with Mori Lee's elegance as I do?
Thanks for reading.
Stay tuned.