
第一次來逛名牌拍賣(Sample Sale)大成功!!
OMG we are so excited about our first sample sale in L.A.!

台灣可能對Rebecca Minkoff 這個設計品牌比較陌生
Rebecca Minkoff 是個土生土長的加州女孩   也是新一輩受歡迎的年輕女設計師
18歲就一個人去紐約闖蕩 追尋設計的夢想

一直到2001年911後 當時她設計的愛國T-shirt "I Love New York"
因為名人Jay Leno的加持一炮而紅
2005年 她所設計簡約兼具實用的 "Morning After Bag" (簡稱M.A.B)    

Rebecca Minkoff (RM), a designer born in San Diego, is famous for her casual luxury handbags, accessories and apparel collections.
Pursuing her passion and dream in fashion, RM started her early design career at only 18 in New York.

In 2001, her patriotic "I Love New York" tee became highly-requested and a craze after the tee appeared on Jay Leno and US Weekly.
One of her mostly-loved handbag collections,
the "Morning After Bag" (a.k.a. M.A.B.), built her reputation in handbag design in 2005.

The brand is now favored by not only celebs,
but everyday women who can be spotted everywhere from downtown to uptown.

Rebecca的包包除了兼具簡約與時尚  功能性也很強
俏皮鬼靈精的Rebecca喜歡在設計包款時  注入一點好玩新奇的想法
像她每一季的包包都有一個主題    包包都會依不同主題做命名 

每一個包包裡還附有一張   不同國籍的帥男照和他的電話號碼
讓買到包包的女孩有機會和  例如有法國口音的帥哥熱線一下

Bags designed by RM are not only functional but fashionable with an edgy tone.
She instills a playful seasonal theme or experience into her bags.

Like every bag comes with a picture card of a guy and his phone number.
So every girl who purchases a bag has a guy to call. This really sounds fun!!!


這款就是Morning After Bag (M.A.B.)
設計的理念是  如果女生白天出門預計在外面過夜
可以把一套換洗衣物   還有牙膏牙刷通通裝進去 

The Morning After Bag.
It is designed for people who wanna stay overnight before they leave home in daytime.
You can put your under wear, changing clothes, tooth paste and brush...everything you need for a sleep over in the bag.

除了M.A.B.包  Rebecca Minkoff 受歡迎的還有下面這個M.A.C.包
小款的Mini M.A.C.   輕巧又可愛   今年夏天的繽紛顏色也很誘人

In addition to the M.A.B.,
RM is also renowned for the M.A.C. collections.
Colorful Mini M.A.C. for this summer are so adorable.

背帶的部分可拆除變手拿包  也可以縮短或拉長變成可以斜背

Love the classic and iconic signature hook closure at the front of M.A.C.
The chain strap is also removable and adjustable to become a clutch or cross-body bag as you like it.


Celebs carrying RM. Awww

除了M.A.C.包  以前也蠻喜歡它的輕便帆布托特袋
(之前一直好想買Los Angeles 但是原價$98實在無法直接買下去)

RM's tote bags are cute too! I love the city of Los Angeles one.
But $98 is really a rip-off. : ***(


Two-way tote bag.

結果好幸運   前幾個禮拜才聽說Rebecca在Hollywood   舉辦sample sale特賣會
(我們的印象還停留在   電影裡為了搶商品大打出手的情景)
看到網頁上寫著最高25折   立刻呼朋引伴想去朝聖一下

My frd Michelle told me about a sample sale taking place in Hollywood few weeks ago.
The 75%-off on the website caught my eye.


結果室友早我一天先去看看   收到這兩張傳來的照片後  隔天一早就換我衝去了 哈哈哈

My roomie went there a day earlier.
I decided to get the two bags after she sent me the two pics via iPhone. LOL


結果隔天一早就去  沒有太多排隊的人   場面也很冷靜 (太好了!!!)

There was not too many ppl lining up in front of the door the next morning.
The sale was held in a warehouse.

ㄧ進門就是整排的衣架 放滿衣服和洋裝  櫃子裡也放滿了各種顏色的Mini M.A.C.

You could see lines of racks as you stepped in. All loaded with dresses and apparel.
The shelves were also filled with M.A.C. of miscellaneous colors. Yeeeee

在往裡面走有幾張大桌  上面也放滿各式的包款

There were more bags laid on the bigger tables inside.

這樣的拍賣會其實大家都很冷靜也很守秩序  逛起來也舒適  太棒了!!

To our surprise, customers were not losing their mind here and everything was in perfect order. LOL

逛了快一小時  來看看我們的成果八!
好開心我有買到前一篇照片裡看到的粉色Mini M.A.C. (原價$195 特賣價: $125)
我還買了ㄧ個黃色給我妹  自己還留ㄧ個托特袋 (原價$98 特賣價: $25)   不過樣式沒得選 是Tokyo

Here's what we ended up buying.
I m glad that I got the pink Mini M.A.C. that I saw in the pic my frd sent to me. (Original price: $195, Sales: $125)
I also got a yellow one for my sis, and a Tokyo tote bag for myself. (Original price: $98, Sales: $25)


Summer colors.



橘色Mini MA.C. 是我室友買的

My roomie got the orange Mini M.A.C.


I really like the tassle zip closure on it.

黃色Mini的皮質有一點不同  銀色金屬也變成金色
對了 包包還附有可愛的防塵袋喔

The leather of yellow Mini is different from the orange one.
Chains and hooks were in golden color.


The bright yellow is amazing too.


最後一個是我的粉色Mini <3

My soft pink Mini. <3


Mini x Dress

這次參加拍賣會真好玩! 希望有機會還可以去看看不一樣的



下一篇是特惠Kate Spade 各式大小包特賣文   各個都是我精心挑選超級可愛

數量有限  有興趣的人請密切注意喔!!

敬請期待 <3

Our first sample sale in L.A. was a big success LOL.
Hopefully we can go for more sample sales later on.

The next post will be selling Kate Spade bags at super good deals.


Stay Tuned.



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